Saturday, March 09, 2013

Around the pool

Last night, the kiddos had a bit too much energy. It was one of those times where they just needed to burn off steam. So around the pool they went. 
Although decked in snow pants, boots and hats/mittens isn't exactly how we prefer to spend our time around the pool. 

They climbed, sat, tossed chunks of snow onto the pool cover and repeated it all over again (posing in between for mom). 

And then they each grabbed an extra large ball of snow and had a snack. Funny thing is, they brought their chunk of snow to where they normally sit and snack during summer months. Even without their chairs to sit upon, they still plopped down in that same spot. 
When they had nibbled down their balls of snow, they brought them indoors and asked to complete their own science project. "What will happen to our snow inside the house in a bowl?"
We let them melt overnight; but first, asked them each what would happen. Regan thought it would melt, but not entirely, Sidney thought her snow would last til morning. 
In a 70F house. Apparently they think it's pretty cold in here! 
They squealed to see their bowls full of water this morning. Such a learning experience! 

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