Friday, January 07, 2011


Ryan's been working a lot lately so I'm getting used to the single-parenting tasks and today was a big day. The girls and I headed out to the grocery store with a list 'a mile long'. Our girls are typically those kids in the store that run up and down the aisles, touch all the shelves and scream/cry if they can't get something while begging. No wonder I wasn't very excited about this shopping trip. This time I told them they would be allowed a donut at the end if they behaved....I needed to bribe, I was desperate for a good outcome! They proved me wrong. Both girls sat in those double seated shopping carts like angels throughout the ENTIRE store. A miracle.
They were so giddy with excitement and gobbled up their donut on the drive home.
Sometimes you just do what you have to in order to make it
a good outing for everyone. Today was one of those days!

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