Thursday, September 02, 2010


Sidney is growing up much too quickly. She watches as Regan easily and quickly can dress herself and struggles with not being able to master it herself. Tonight, she tried and tried to figure out those darn undies. But each time, she'd stand up with both legs in one hole. Wanting absolutely no help, she'd grab her clothes....
...and move to another spot when I begged to help her. I hate to see her struggle so long. This lasted for over 20 minutes. At one point, she tossed aside the undies and moved on to the PJ's, as though putting them on was easier than the undies.
Eventually (and thankfully), I convinced her to go by Ryan who was sitting on the new couch. That was enough to make her forget her struggles and let Ryan help! Whew.
That little girl is one determined child! And someday it'll make her very successful, for right now, it makes these parents very tired.

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