Sunday, September 30, 2018

Fall activities

This fall has honestly been a bit of a blur. Our calendar has been chalk full of practices and meets and lessons and games. We had one week of rain that cancelled our outdoor events for the most part and we all stared at each other wondering what we were supposed to do. HA! 

It really is so much fun to watch all 3 kiddos participate in extra-curricular activities. 

I'm not going to say it isn't a lot of work. Because it is. There is so much stress on ensuring everyone is where they need to be, with food in their bellies and everything they need. 

And then there is the coordination of it all. Making sure the right gear is in the right vehicle for the right activity. 

Sometimes we get a small moment, to really *be* with our kids and take a little of their love for an activity. Like when we get to learn how to sew elastic and ribbon onto super expensive pointe shoes. only to bring it all home and have grandma Jan do all of the grunt work! 

In all of the hustle and bustle this fall, we are ever thankful at how adaptable Lincoln is with all of the chaos. He finds fun no matter where we are, usually making a few friends along the way. The girls' friends all adore him and take him under their wing, begging to be his chosen friend who gets a hug. 
He knows many of the fields they play on, and knows what to expect when we arrive, which ones have playgrounds or which ones he needs to bring along his remote control car. 
Love him to pieces :) 

And lately he's been getting his own chance at an activity, breezing through all of the swim lessons at Foss. He's part-fish this little boy of ours. Currently in classes designed for 5-7 year olds where he's learning side breaths. Incredible skills and I love to spend 30 minutes each week watching it be *his turn* at something! 

We would not have life any other way. I know it's exhausting, and the piles of laundry and papers are endless. Yet we all adore the busy-ness of this lifestyle and thrive on the strict schedule it creates. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

GJ: Enjoy these times, before you realize it, they are over. Fun times.