Friday, May 11, 2018

Slice in time

The days are zipping past us right now. And there are so many things we don't want to forget about this crazy amazing life we get to be a part of. 

Our sweetest boy Lincoln is in an incredibly wild stage right now. He can be funny and silly, loving and sweet. But he can also be downright terrible! Last week at Regan's ball game, he was speeding around on his Strider bike and turned the corner about 50 yards from me where he paused and hollered out "I love you Mommy! Want to be my best friend?" You could literally hear the hearts melt of all the moms nearby. This is the side of him we hope comes out in public more often! Too bad we sometimes see the terror side. Like last night after Regan's band concert, he bolted away from me in a crowded hallway heading towards the exit (which leads to a very busy parking lot). I grabbed him just in time but he tugged hard, screaming and causing a scene. He says ugly things like "stupid dumb booty" or "I don't like you"...Yea, he's not sweet 100% of the time :( We have to remind ourselves that he is 4 and it's a phase, and then pray that age 5 is going to be better! 

I'm going to squish Sidney in the middle of this post, because that's where she fits in line. Let's just say she reminds us of that fact every now and again...."you love Lincoln more than me!" or "Regan always gets to stay up later than me!". Oh, she has a serious case of middle-child syndrome :) She is however, our most independent, tidy and organized child. Her room is always clean, bed always made and clothes (almost) always put away. All of this without asking. She will see too many shoes at the back door and take the initiative to clean them up. This one has a temper which can be ignited at the drop of a hat. She's fiesty, fierce and sweet all rolled into one. 

And then there's Regan. Oh boy. She's giving us a run for our money. You all think that a 4 year old is tough?, these pre-teen years are no joke. The blatant rude comments, the constant snide remarks to her siblings and the downright mean girl attitude towards her parents. Sometimes it's more than we can bear. Thankfully she does still have her moments of that sweet girl we know is buried in there :) Watching her sit with Lincoln and let him watch a show on her Chromebook, perched on the top of the bunk bed snuggled together, or taking her sister along for a bike ride or even sitting next to me in the car listening to my story with eager ears. She can be nice! Sadly, her room is a constant disaster, I cannot imagine what her locker looks like, and forms from school come home crumpled and often misplaced. It's going to be a adolescent phase! 

We love these three with all of our hearts. Their good traits and the ones we need to work on. So glad they are ours! 

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