Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Regan-12th birthday eve

Tonight our Regan goes to bed an 11 year old; and wakes up tomorrow age 12. 
How in the world are we already 12 years into this whole parenting thing?! It's hard to believe that 12 years ago tomorrow, we went from a couple, to a family. 

There's been a lot of talk around my office about babies and pregnancies, seeing as though I currently have two pregnant coworkers. There's been discussion about first time parents, and going from a family of 3 to 4. I have to giggle when I recall how big I was with each of my babies. Let's be real (and Ryan will lovingly tell you the same), I was humongous all over while pregnant with the first two.

That sweet Regan kept us on our toes from the beginning when she decided to arrive 4 weeks early. I will never forget my water breaking and my the shock of "oh my goodness already!?". Thankfully she was healthy and ready, and besides the whole dropper feeding, she was a rockstar baby. I could have held her forever and ever, and most days I did. I was a baby-hog to my own child :) 

And now looking back, I can hardly believe she will wake up in the morning and turn 12. I teared up on my drive home the other day as I thought to myself "we're half-way through her school career" (minus college). Half-way! Where did all of those years go? It honestly feels like I blinked and she grew up. I hope I've savored each moment enough; held her close, soaked in each stage, taken enough pictures. 

This sweet babe. She continues to pave the way for her siblings who follow behind. She never ceases to amaze us and she's growing up into a beautiful girl. These teenage years are likely to cause my hair to turn grey and Ryan's to fall out. But we're so excited to watch her grow up, right before our eyes.  

Happy Birthday Eve Regan! 

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