Sunday, July 31, 2016

US Bank Stadium tour

Along with thousands of others, we signed up and attended the US Bank Stadium tour last weekend. We were the first tour of the weekend and there was a sea of people flooding through the doors at 9am. Honestly, there were people in every direction. At one point, I commented that we had to be breaking fire code! 

Once we got past that first entrance and set of escalators, people seemed to spread out a little and we had more space. Our first view of the field was below...and we were ALL impressed! 

This was my attempt at getting a family picture in the reflection of the mirror wall in the common outdoor space. See us down there!? We all laughed as we tried to capture ourselves, Lincoln was even pointing "there we are!". Someday this family needs to make it to Chicago and get a family photo in the famous "bean". 

The place was massive and we were so happy to have gone on the tour (even though Sidney didn't get to do a cartwheel on the field like she had hoped). Lincoln looks so tiny standing there in front of the sign. He thought it was a pretty awesome tour also :) 

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