Wednesday, January 06, 2010

Sisterly love

Sidney is unbelievably scared of the vacumm and although we have mostly hardwood floors, we still have to pull out the vaccumm regularly. Last night, instead of asking me to hold her (and vaccumm), she ran and clung to Regan. It was so darn adorable but I had to keep the vaccumm running while I took the picture for fear they'd break apart :)

What do we do it's too cold outside? We use blankets as sleds and the hardwood floors as snow! It works great and the girls think it's so much fun!

Notice Regan's new "accessories" aka glasses. It's our latest attempt to teach her to use her eyes together all of the time. We've been seeing a pediatric opthamologist for about 18 months and although it hasn't gotten dramatically worse, her eyes tend to wander out (not crossed) when she's tired or angry. Since it's not affecting her vision, we're reluctant to put her through surgery. For now, she'll wear glasses. And they make her look so much older! She's done well tonight wearing them, only took them off to bathe and eat (she feared they'd get dirty at dinner!).


Hudson and Paxton said...

They do make her look older, but adorable none the less!!!

Kari Wendinger said...

Regan looks so cute with her new glasses!