Saturday, November 21, 2009

Unsupervised in the toy room

Our toy room has an attached bathroom; given that Ryan was gone for the night, I opted to get ready for bed using that bathroom while the girls played. Guess I should have opted for a DVD instead. Regan had emptied all the toy bins (see the empty white shelving in the background?) and made herself a little train with the bins. What a MESS!!! However, she was so proud of her train and was in such a make believe fairytale place that I couldn't even think about scolding her.


Kari Wendinger said...

Very creative! Thomas dumps out all the buckets all the time to use them as drums. About gives me a nervous breakdown!

Uncle Ben said...

Our "cubes" were too heavy to make into a train. Great imagination!! Bet she dreamt about being in a train all night.