Tuesday, August 11, 2009

11 months old!

look at that wild hair!
It's hard to believe in just one month, our little baby is going to be one year! It's amazing at how quickly the first year flies by when it's child #2. Sidney is now almost 19 lbs and I'll have to get back to you all on her length. She routinely takes a morning and afternoon nap and unfortunately, has started waking overnight recently for a bottle (not sure what's up with that?! and we're open to any and all suggestions!). Just today her 5th tooth popped through and we know that has been making her miserable lately. Her favorite things to do are watch Regan sing/dance, splash in the bath tub and eat! She's a very good little girl and definately a mama's baby :) She says mama, dada, ba (aka ball) and bu (aka bye). She enjoys going for walks and waving at everything and everyone; thankfully all of our neighbors just wave right back at her!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

And on Monday she said Elmo after seeing him on TV. GM and Regan heard her.