Thursday, January 17, 2008

Approaching two

Regan decided this week that her baby needed a "time-out" and here's a shot of it. It was hilarious to watch her take her baby to time out and tell her baby it was time to come out and say she was sorry! At least she's understanding it, I hope!

We've had many successful days with potty training and I'm going to knock on wood when I type this, but at this point, I think it's safe to say we're officially potty trained! We are so proud of her and she's definately showing us her independence, especially when she announces it's her turn to use the potty and to please get out of the bathroom!

This week, we really learned how much she loves daycare. It's been obvious lately considering she has been telling mom to go back to work at 5pm pick up. But recently we arrived at daycare and she's run off to play with another little girl as soon as her boots are off! They love to dance, learn numbers and letters and play in the kitchen together. And yesterday when we were leaving, Jillian asked for a hug and wouldn't let Regan go! How cute!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm so proud of my little girl!!! Way to go!!! Next we teach you how to drive. :-)

Love you,
Uncle Ben