Saturday, March 03, 2007


Yep, that's right, Regan has not one, but two molars coming in!! And it's obvious that was the reason for an awful night. For those of you that hadn't heard, last night was horrible for those of us that like sleeping. Regan couldn't fall asleep and she finally managed to take about a 20 minute nap in mom's arms from 10-10:20pm. It was a disaster from then on. Finally around 2:30am, everyone fell asleep...probably from pure exhaustion. Poor girl was probably in misery from teeth coming in and she just couldn't tell us. So we tried everything, from rocking, to singing to Orajel to Tylenol. Now that we can see the two little buggers (aka: molars) we're assuming the latter two were the ticket to sleep.
So in preparation for the teeth to make their way further out of her gums, we loaded her up on Orajel and Tylenol BEFORE we laid her down tonight! Neither of us could handle a repeat of last night!
Lesson learned: teeth have a mind of their own and will come in whenever they feel like it, even at midnight.

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