Friday, March 16, 2007

13 months old!

Regan is now 13 months old and surprising us everyday. Here's a re-cap of the last month or so. She's an 'on-the-go' baby, never wanting to stop. She often ends up running around the house in just her diaper and onsie after bathtime because that's all mom can manage to get on her before she squirms away. We weighed her last night and she's not quite 22 lbs, same as she was last month.....see, she really is moving a lot! She's finally trying new foods and is almost, but not quite, as picky as her mom! She eats meatloaf, green beans, sausage, any fruit and an array of other foods. Unfortunately, milk isn't something she's interested in and she continues to push it away, no matter what color sippy cup it's in! We've even tried chocolate milk, that doesn't seem to work either. I'm trying not to worry about it. She also loves to be held, mostly by mom, which has turned into a slight problem as it caused mom's shoulder/chest wall muscles to give way last week. Felt like a heart attack, thankfully it's just muscle, but she could care less and still fusses to be held constantly. O well, just one of the joys of parenthood! Last night we discovered her 3rd molar had come through, obviously this one wasn't as bad as the first two (we actually slept through the night every night this week). She's talking up a storm with lots of jibberish and can say the words : hi, hot, duck, ball, mmm (in reference to food!), yea, Ben, mom and dad. Both grandma's swear she says grandma too...the jury is still out on that one!

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