Sunday, January 22, 2023

A Christmas visit

Uncles Ben and Jon came for their annual Christmas visit in early December. It was a whirlwind weekend with a lot of softball, a little shopping, and missed hockey (thanks to a broken collarbone). 
But we had a great time spending extended time together, shopping, eating, games and more shopping. 
Lincoln decided against most shopping and opted instead for experiences, even with his bum arm. They had a lot of fun at Build-A-Bear and he dragged Ben into the VR experience at the MOA. Building some fun memories for sure. 

Their visit happened to coincide with Lincoln's annual "art" event at school so they got to see Lincoln's self-portrait and hear a few music songs too. It was fun for them to be part of Lincoln's special day at school. And even more exciting as it was Lincoln's first art/music program because all of them previously have been cancelled due to the pandemic. 
He did great and loved having a few extra audience members!

Thanks for a fun visit Uncles Ben and Jon! 


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