Tuesday, April 19, 2022

Easter weekend 2022

And WE'RE BACK!! After spending 2 Easter's in isolation, minimizing risk and exposures, we finally decided to once again hold an Easter celebration. They aren't big, just adding 4 people to our home, but we also got to add one special 4 legged friend for the day...and night! 

My good friend from work always joins us for Easter and she was delighted to be back this year. It was our first Easter celebration with her newest service dog-Pepper. And boy does she love our kiddos. 

She was happy to roam the house, hoping for any dropped food, and eager to play ball in the backyard. She's so well-behaved and we loved having her. So much that she even stayed the night for a sleepover! 

I think Grandma Jan was pretty happy to not spend another Easter alone too; and boy do we love her too! She and Sidney have been exchanging books throughout the pandemic and it was time for another book exchange and a quick "book club" gathering. Such a fun memory for the two of them to share.

Although we held Lincoln off until 10am so the girls could join in on the Easter egg hunt, he still was the only one who participated. Despite a bribe of money, they still declined gathering up any eggs. 
Their loss 

No one was pleased to take this picture, but they took it nonetheless and someday will be happy I forced family photos 

And although he won't admit it, even Ryan enjoys Pepper's company. She really is a super sweet dog and the kiddos wore her out she slept the entire next day! 

 Here's hoping to future Easter celebrations! 


Anonymous said...

GJ: Thank you for the day, felt almost "normal". Love you all.

Anonymous said...

Lol! Forced fun!