Tuesday, March 19, 2019

He passed! A long goodbye to allergies

Lincoln was diagnosed with food allergies at roughly 15 months old. Egg, dairy and peanut. At around 3 years, he outgrew the egg, and by 4 years he had outgrown dairy. At 5 years, his tests came back with indicators of him growing out of peanut (sadly, he was also developing some tree nut allergies at the same time).
In preparing him for a peanut challenge, we first had to trial peanut cereal. He passed this challenge and proceeded to spend the next 4 months eating a larger amount of peanut cereal each day until he reached 40 pieces. We did this over a course of 4 months. And then it was time for the big day.

As luck would have it, my job was over the top-crazy-busy, but I was not re-scheduling this day for him. My anxiety was through the roof, and I was subconsciously a mess. I needed to get this appointment behind me. So we headed into a 3+ hour office visit where he started off by eating an entire peanut. The whole darn thing! I had fleeting thoughts that he would go into anaphylaxis reactions, but he didn't. He was just fine. And then it was 3 more peanuts, and then 5 more. By the end, he had eaten 20 peanuts. And he was just fine :)

We aren't in the clear yet. His doc wants us to feed him peanut products 2-3 times/week, and continue to carry his epi wherever we go. We also need to try some other tree nuts to ensure he won't react to them. So although we are certainly rejoicing, we know we have work to do before we can be in the clear.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

GJ: Way to go Lincoln. Hope you love peanuts as much as I do.