Sunday, November 25, 2018

Halloween 2018

The week of Halloween was a bit of a whirlwind around here. Maybe it's because it was in the middle of the work week or maybe because Lincoln's birthday is smack dab in the midst of that hustle/bustle, but it feels like we hurried along to fit everything in this year. 

We managed to carve pumpkins, this year Sidney surprised us and wanted to do everything on her own. From the gut-digging to the carving, she was my little helper. 

We ventured over to a little Halloween party at a nearby vacant store, where the best thing about it was a cute picture :) Ok not entirely true, we enjoyed a horse/wagon ride and the kids played a few games. 

I got to volunteer at Sidney's class party. 

And then finally, it was time for these three to hit up the neighborhood for treats. Regan is teetering on outgrowing this annual tradition, but I was happy she decided to hang out with some friends and still enjoy the treats from their neighborhood. 
The other two and I met up with some friends and walked door to door to their hearts' content! It sure was a successful Halloween! 

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