Monday, August 22, 2016

Just sleep!

With summer upon us, it's easy to fall out of routines. And we've done a fine job of slowly getting away from a (fairly strict) 8pm bedtime. There were late night ball games, fun excursions, parties, weddings and practices that all kept us out of the house past 8pm, so forget being in bed by then! But lately, it's gotten a little out of hand. We're striving to get back on track, and last night managed an 8:15 bedtime. Well, we back tracked tonight! It was one of those nights where although we had everyone upstairs and ready to say goodnight by 8:30pm, we somehow hit 9:15 and there were still kids climbing out of bed. Ugh. So as I tried hard to stay calm, all I could think of was this fun (totally inappropriate) book. Mom...quit reading right about now. :)

Every parent friend I have, has heard about this book. And many have it in their collections, or have read it themselves. I love it. It cracks me up. It's every parent, wishing their kids would just sleep at the end of the day. Tonight our girls lived out this page: 

Because after spending 15 minutes screwing around in the bathroom, then roaming around their bedrooms, they both climbed into bed. Where they laid there for another 10 minutes while Lincoln decided he needed to poo and we all chatted about our days. Then, when everyone was finally settled in, one by one, the girls decided to come join me in the bathroom as I finally got ready for bed.
Really!? Now girls, please...go the *^@# to sleep!

Oh it's a good thing they are so cute!
I know someday I'll look back and be sad that these days are over....Will I? Maybe not these exact moments. I might not miss the bedtime struggle as much as the rest of their childhood. At 10, 7 and 2, seems as though we have at least another 10 years of the bedtime struggle. So time will tell.

If you'd like to listen to the entire book, click HERE. Always gives me a good laugh.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

GJ: I should have stopped reading.....