Monday, November 05, 2007

November 4

I know these are bad pictures, but if you look closely, you'll see Regan can officially wear her hair in pigtails and they don't fall out within hours. I had a hard time getting a decent picture this weekend and ended up giving in and just putting the camera away.
It is unbelievable to see how much Regan has changed over the past few months. She has gone from uttering words to completing 3-4-5 word sentences! Her favorite sentences are "I blow out" referring to the candles or "I turn on {or off}" referring to the lights. She's fascinated with candles and she's constantly reminding us that they are hot~smart girl!
We've put potty training on the back burner with everything else going on. I did tell her if she went potty on the big girl potty, she would get a chocolate. This was her translation--go potty in her diaper, get a chocolate. She approached me and stated "go potty now, get chocolate"...nice try my dear; it didn't work; right idea, wrong location. You'd think with her love of flushing the toilet, she'd want to put something of her own in there?! And I don't mean a toy!
It's so much fun to watch her read her own books these days and point out all the flowers and animals. Tonight she made the sound of a turkey for the first time...we're getting ready for Thanksgiving! Last year on Thanksgiving, she took her first steps; I don't think she'll top that this year, but we never know!

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