Monday, April 16, 2007

14 months old!!

It's getting harder and harder to get Regan to sit still long enough to take these pictures, but our goal is to keep taking them (soon enough we're going to have to get rid of the signs because she won't sit next to them!).
She weighs roughly what she did at 12 months (22 lbs) but is growing like a weed. She loves to walk, talk and laugh. Dancing is a favorite past time, as is playing outside and going for bike rides tucked in the Burley Bike trailer! We introducted whole milk at 11 1/2 months and that went over poorly. After trying 2% for a couple of weeks, we moved onto soy. Well, yesterday, she FINALLY made the sign for milk instead of water; we've turned the corner! Our toddler now likes milk!

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