Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Making memories

Each month during the summer, I savor some time with the kids and take a much needed break from work. My heart aches for the patients that I work with everyday, and sometimes, taking time off is just what I need. So this week, we've been working on making memories.

Although we continue to be in the thick of tantrums, eye rolls and sarcasm; we are also in the middle of watching 3 precious children grow up. I'm lucky enough to take in their "I love yous" and (one in particular) toddler legs wrapped tightly around my hips as we venture out and explore.

We have had so much fun riding at Como Town, paddling around Centennial Lakes and swimming at Busch Lake Beach. Our cheeks are sun kissed and our hearts are filled to the brim with time together and memories made. There is more fun to be had as the week is only half over.  

One of these years, Ryan needs to join in on our fun. For now, he gets jealous with our daily pictures of fun in the sun! 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

GJ: I was thinking about that paddle boat ride, sure was fun with the girls back then. Enjoy your time off.