Sunday, April 29, 2018

Blastoff to Fastpitch

It's ball season around here, officially fastpitch time. We never really stopped playing over the winter, but it was all clinic focused and just a few opportunities for actual games.
And then when try-outs came around, teams were announced and practices started, we faced a never-ending winter and snowfall.
Finally, the fields opened just in time for opening ceremonies (literally the same day!). The teams marched out on the fields with their team banners and then it was off to kick-off day scrimmages.
That's Sidney out there on the mound, testing her hand at pitching this year. She's taken clinics all winter (and before then). Working her heart out. We have a long ways to go, but considering she struck out the first batter she faced, I think she was pretty proud of herself :) And we were too!
Regan started out behind the plate, her favorite place to be. She too has worked hard in the off season at catcher's clinics and it sure shows! We are so proud of her growth in the last year. And why on earth anyone would want to be behind the plate is beyond me :)
Looking forward to an amazing season with these two awesome teams!

Spring time activities

We always know when it is spring around here, based on the number of activities written in on the calendar each day. We get into the overlap of winter activities, and the start of summer activities.

Currently, Regan is taking four dance classes, participating in the school track team, and is the catcher on her Fastpitch team. She is exhausted but having so much fun. After school yesterday, she went for a 4 mile run with the track team, and then to two hours of dance. She might have been a little crabby upon returning home…😬 but surprisingly doesn’t want it any other way. 

Sidney takes three dance classes each week, continues to enjoy gymnastics class every week and is a pitcher on her Fastpitch team. While she is ready to hang up her dance shoes after next month’s recital, maybe permanently, she still loves being so involved in activities. She’s begging to try volleyball next year.
Somehow we still manage to squeeze in some fun time, whether it be in between driving kids to activities, or finding a quick moment to ride around the block. Lincoln rarely minds all the hustle and bustle. And he just rolls with it every day. We are so blessed!

Thursday, April 12, 2018

Spring break

Despite being the very last week of March, Spring break was a cold one. We opted to stick close to home this year, having gone on trips the last two winters. I took a couple days off work and did some exploring with the kids. 

We started at Minihaha. This place continues to amaze me with its beauty. I think it’s almost as pretty in the winter as it is in the summer months. We love to walk around and explore. Sidney brought along her scooter and Lincoln his balance bike so they had a blast sipping around and down some hills. 

With the help of some boots, the kids were able to slush through the cold mud and found all sorts of wildlife. Sidney screamed when they found a couple of ducks quaking at each other; only to realize we were standing just inches from eggs and they were probably quacking at us! 

This cutie spotted the exact spot we had come for family pictures a few years back and asked me to take some photos of her. She’s such a ham! 

We found our way to Como one day as well. I had to drag the girls out of the house on that particular day, they’re definitely over the idea of walking around Como. Makes me sad :( While I think they still had fun, Lincoln certainly was the reason we headed over there. 

He suckered me into buying him a tiger too. Stinker. But he simply loves tigers right now. More than having toys that are tigers, he wants to BE a tiger! We chuckle when we hear his daycare friends greet him with “hi tiger Lincoln!”, wondering what on earth he does all day to deserve being called tiger Lincoln! Ha! Love that sweet boy. 

And love our adventures.