Sunday, April 05, 2015

Easter prep

In true family fashion, we headed down to a nearby lake for the annual Easter egg hunt. This year, Regan was too old for the stated ages, and although we saw many kids who were older than her participate, she was happy to instead help Lincoln. Sidney's age division moved her up to the "big kid" area and her hunt was a real in the woods sort of hunt! (More about those woods later).  She was pretty excited, and even though she walked away with just a fe in her basket, she said it was a fabulous day and can't wait for next year.

Lincoln was surrounded by fellow 1 year olds in his area. Less of a hunt, and more of a 'just try to stand on the grass, bend over and pick up an egg', sort of deal. 
He was super cute, not really sure what to expect, and just staring at all of those colorful-jelly bean-filled eggs. 

Regan was a great helper to him, and it allowed me to catch some pretty cute shots of the 2 of them, working together to fill his basket. 
We got a good laugh out of a boy nearby (older than Lincoln), who choose to stomp on the eggs and crack them open letting the contents explode instead of picking them up. He ran faster than his dad could catch him and made for quite the sight! 

While we waited for the countdown, I was able to catch a few fun pictures of the kids in the woods. These woods would later prove deadly as we trampled through them to find Sidney/Ryan, me carrying Lincoln, tripping on a branch, and tumbling to the ground.
Yes, I bit the dust in front of probably 200 people. With Lincoln in my arms. 
Looking back, I'm a bit surprised that no one offered help, seeing as though I had just fallen while holding a 1 year old! Evidently, I make falling look graceful and his lack of a real cry meant he was fine.  

Lincoln is one independent little boy. He walked a good 3/4 of a mile back around the lake to the parking lot, all while dragging his filled basket. We pleaded to let us carry him (again, there were 200+ people around us), but he was having none of that. And so, we let him walk. 
On the bright side, at least the parking lot was fairly empty by the time we were ready to leave. His bunny basket on the other hand....the thing was filthy!

Later in the day we colored eggs. Of course, Lincoln had to stand on his own chair, without help, while coloring his egg. That boy was content and happy to play in his orange food colored water for as long as we let him. 

Both of the girls love coloring eggs. We got creative this year and opted out of kit buying. Instead, we ventured into Pinterest land and found that we could use food coloring to create our own colors (their favorite...TEAL!) and later made a second batch of eggs and used crayons on the hot eggs which then melted into some fun colors. Cool!! 

Sweet Sidney continues to be our little animated child. She was so excited to be coloring eggs with her siblings and loved our Easter prep day! 

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