Saturday, April 25, 2015

Best buds

At any moment of our day, two of the three kids are playing together and best of friends. It can be Lincoln and Regan, Lincoln and Sidney or Regan and Sidney. It varies constantly. But these two, their favorite thing to do is make each other laugh. It can be making silly faces, tearing around the house, or making a mess of something. Whatever it is, they like to laugh. 

So on the video below, when Sidney tried to get Lincoln to be the caboose on the slide, he was simply laughing to hard to understand what she was asking! She finally gets him to sit in front of her and their laughing continues as they descend the slide. I can't help but watch this video over and over again, their care free laughing is contagious! I love that these three kiddos of ours have each other. 
Click below for the video. 

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