Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Summer time fun

 I'm spending this week pretending to be a stay-at-home-mom. And I'm LOVING every minute of it! Don't get me wrong, I adore my career. I have an amazing group of coworkers who don't bicker over the color of their cup at lunch, and I work with some incredible patients who don't whine when it's time for bed. 
But at the end of the day, spending time with these 3 is what Ryan and I live for....

Today we headed down to a nearby lake for some pictures, a climb on the trees and a nice walk (let's face it, even in this cool summer weather, it's still nice to be outside!). 

In between some hacking coughs, I managed to get some pretty adorable pictures of Lincoln. Ryan reminded me that although we hate to see Lincoln sick, we have got to catch him coughing on a video. He sounds exactly like an old man when he coughs. A drawn out, long hack to end his coughing fit. And if I catch it on video, I'll upload it for your viewing :) 

But man alive, he is miserable :( 

We don't have a real climbing tree in our yard; the girls have tried the only tree that is an option, and they can't get very far...yet. But they adore these 3 trees that are near the waterfalls at the lake. It's a perfect fit for 2 very inexperienced climbers....although I'm pretty sure Grandma Jan would have a heart attack with them a few feet off the ground :) Not to worry, they hang on tight and I'm never very far away. 

I simply adore pictures around this area. The bridges make a wonderful spot to sit and snap away, with the falls running in the back. We were so sad when this entire bridge was underwater from the recent rain. I wasn't sure everything would survive and we were all very happy to see that the water had completely receded. 
I dodged the runners on their route around the lake as I took picture after picture. Lincoln sat patiently but wouldn't flash me his adorable smile. So I'll take his sweet grin instead.  

That blue sky and big puffy clouds were sure pretty and our sassy 5 year old can sure strike a pose. The sun was shining perfectly, just not quite warm enough for our liking. Holding out hope that tomorrow brings warmer weather. But not to worry, I'm sure we'll find plenty to do exploring these great cities. 

Happy summer!...even if it was only 64 this afternoon. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

GJ: you are correct, I am not crazy about the tree climbing or the sitting so close to the water. You know how to get me going. Love you.