Monday, July 07, 2014

4th of July 2014

This little firecracker celebrated his first 4th of July this weekend. 
In all honesty, I can't call him a firecracker....he's the most mellow thing around :) 
But nonetheless, he celebrated his first 4th and was a great sport all around. He slept, ate, swam and watched Ryan light off fireworks twice (once in daylight, the other in the dark) and then watched as they all went swimming in the dark along with the neighbors. He's such a trooper! 

 It's not the 4th unless we do a traditional picture by the lightpost (which fortunately will be changed out to a more modern looking post later this summer). The girls were over the moon excited that we let them stay up late, way past their 8:30pm bedtime, for another round of fireworks. Ryan and our neighbors lit off fireworks and put on a great show for us. At one point, the police drove past just as Ben lit a firework (that probably shouldn't go off in this state...), and we got a polite flash of the police lights. Whew, thanks for the warning!

 These two in their matching shirts that they picked out while we shopped at the mall one day last month. They were so excited to finally be able to wear them in celebration!
I love their skin-kissed faces, with tanned skin and bleach blonde hair to depict just how much time we have spent outside in the last month. Nothing better than a Minnesota summer.
While Ryan golfed with my parents in the early morning, the kiddos and I messed around with the settings on my camera to try and get a timer-picture of us before spit up and food graced itself on their outfits. I think we were all pleasantly surprised that Lincoln was sort of looking in the direction of the camera all on his own. It's a fuzzy picture, so clearly we need more work on the timer settings....
Hope everyone had a wonderful 4th of July! 

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