Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Picnics and Parks

The girls and I celebrated this 70+ degree weather, grilling dinner (yes, shocker, I grilled burgers!) and eating dinner poolside before heading to the park. 

Too bad our pool remains covered for the winter and it'll be two l---o---n---g months before it's ready to go. If this weather keeps up, we'll be moving up the opening day, I can guarantee it! I won't be able to watch the neighbors splash in their pool (it appears they are going to open this week!) while ours remains sealed tight. 
 After dinner, we basked in the sun at a local park, climbed our hearts out and ran off every ounce of energy. Sidney did more climbing than I could imagine, she loved it!
 Regan mastered this apparatus and I can tell she'll be spending many summer days perched up high, taking in all the chaos below. 
Ryan joined us just as the sun was setting, but long enough to get in some playtime. I sure hope "average" March weather never returns. Quite frankly, I am LOVING this!!

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