These four giddy 5 and 6 year old girls got to be a part of something big last night. They were selected (semi) randomly by their t-ball coach to not only attend the Twins victorious game, but also meet some players and watch batting practice.
They might not understand how special the night was, but I know Regan will forever have the memory of the event.
I'm so sad that coaches camera had a problem with the white balance for this photo...oh yea, and the fact that Regan seems to be checking out something in the seats beyond.
That my friends, is Jason Kubel; Regan is now toting his autograph and announcing to anyone who will listen that she got to meet him!
A real baseball player.
That's a big deal to a 5 year old!

Being a part of batting practice was super fun for these girls.
Everyone will be surprised to learn that Sidney came along to her very first Twins game and shed no tears. She did remarkably well, watching the game, eating everything in sight and making friends with fans around us. She was bummed that Regan was sitting with her friends a couple rows back. I laughed when she finally asked "what are we doing here?" and quickly followed it up with "why are we watching 'dem boys?".
It dawned on me that she thought we were going to watch Regan play ball! Boy was she confused.
That's a lot of people.
Ahhhh, the germs :( Luckily I had 3 bottles of purell in my purse!
And the night just wouldn't be complete without a picture of the girls in the glove. We left in the 8th inning, when both girls announced they were tired and ready for bed. By then, Sid also had a belly ache from the pretzel, mini donuts, M&M's and Root beer. Oh the things a daddy will buy for his little girl!
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