This is the face of Sidney. It really shows off her bubbly, happy personality.

She's the girl with loads of energy.
Waking daily around 6:30 (if we're lucky it's 7am), eager to get going and play.
She makes friends with little folks wherever we seem to venture.
The things that come out of her mouth have us laughing for hours.
Definitely the 2nd problems sticking up for herself.
Loves babies, barbies, bubbles, baking and bubble gum.
Officially knows how to pump herself on a swing. Truly amazing.
Independent to the max; no more helping for those self-care tasks.
So excited to be in preschool: learning, engaging, sharing and playing.
One of the loves of my life!
And where does the independance come from ? Hmmmm.
This looks exactly like a picture of Logan at this age, I would have thought it was my own child!
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