Before I get to t-ball, let me re-cap how we spent the the warmth of indoors! Regan wrapped up the 2010-2011 dance season with her final dance class tonight. She received an award for attendance (missing only once when we were out of town for her birthday celebration). Yes ma'am, I'm one heck of a chauffeur, come rain, snow, sleet and blizzards! The girls also watched their performance from yesterday as well as ran through all 3 routines they had learned throughout the year. Pretty darn cute.
And did I mention it was warm?

Because this, my friend, was NOT warm!
I think the local city leagues are forgetting that it's T-BALL folks!! Not collegiate level ball we're playing. We froze our little tushies off during the 60+ minute t-ball practice.
First the girls practiced running the bases. Because in t-ball, those 4-5 year olds aren't always sure which way to run. So they practice :)
Again, pretty darn cute.
Then it was throwing and hitting. Nice work girls!
Now if only the weather would cooperate to moving on to the next season.
Dear Mother Nature, we here in Minnesota are ready for spring!
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