Yesterday, I noticed Sidney's breathing didn't sound quite right; a very high pitched wheezing sound was coming from her lungs with every breath. She had caught a cold over the weekend but thankfully was eating, sleeping and playing normally so we went about our evening. It pained me to put her to sleep however. I was a nervous wreck, listening through the monitor like a hawk and overjoyed when she opted to join us in our bed midway through the night. After a call today to her pediatrician's office, I took her in for a quick check. My gut instincts were right, she is wheezing and it's not normal. After ruling out RSV with a quick swab, she completed a nebulizer treatment. And what a champ she was with this treatment! It took a little dance from Regan to distract Sidney and help her to realize that the neb was intended to help. A few minutes later, she had another check by the doctor who informed me the treatment had helped and therefore, he was sending us home with our own nebulizer/medicine for further treatments. {insert a sad sigh by me}. At this point, we're all hopeful that she simply has a cold and needs a little extra help to rid her body of the virus. My concern is that if she ends up wheezing with every cold, they will tell us she has asthma. For now, we'll take it one cold at a time.

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