Yesterday we had two play dates, that's double the fun!!
First we headed to the biggest indoor germland, I mean, playland, in the area. We met our former neighbors and their two youngsters and prepared to burn off some energy. It was great fun and good company too. I long for the day when I can be that parent just sitting on the sideline watching instead of in the thick of it as a participant. Oh, who am I kidding?, I love spending time inside this place. And besides, there's going to come a time, all too soon, where neither one of our girls is going to want us to follow them around like shadows.
Isn't this just the cutest picture of the oldest two? Grace and Regan have the same head tilt as they devoured a quick snack before heading back inside. Sidney, on the other hand, took her time eating her snack and was a good 15 minutes behind the other two. She just couldn't keep up!
And because 2 year olds aren't real good with transitions, this was the face of Sidney as we transitioned from play to lunch.
The second playdate took place at our home. And because I'd rather not show a picture of our children, half dressed, (some cross dressed!) in play clothes, this is the only shot you're going to get. The kiddos had so much fun playing dress up with old dance costumes and Halloween outfits. Regan gave Sidney a spin in a wagon built for a doll; but of course, our little tyke fit just fine!

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