Sunday, May 26, 2024

Fargo Squirt International 2024

Lincoln's Squirt team headed north to play in the Fargo Squirt International tournament this winter. And boy did they play! But before we played, he participated in the Opening Ceremony and the Squirt Olympics. The Scheels Arena was flooded with a sea of hockey players; hundred of boys gathered together for a picture and opening skate. It was complete chaos and so much fun! 

His team played hard through their 5 games of play and ended up taking 2nd place in their bracket. Between pin trading, pool time, hockey and dinners, we all had a great weekend with some great families. 

Lincoln played his heart out, taking the Hard Hat for his grit and determination after one particular game. He was all smiles to know his hard work is paying off. 

We were blessed to have Kari and Natalie come watch on Saturday afternoon as they took a 5-3 win. We cheered loud and had fun watching him play with a great group of friends. 

The boys played so great in their final game: Championship Sunday, but came up one goal short and lost 4-5 to take home second place. It was a heartbreaker since they were up the whole game until just 4 minutes left of the 3rd period. Although sad and disappointed at the outcome, I was so very proud of all of them. They really did play a great game and it was so fun to watch. 

 We made countless memories on his first big hockey tournament; more than we ever dreamed. I think the boys would say their favorite part was pin-trading, and boy was it intense! The parents would probably say evenings poolside created the most memories :) But watching them come together and play hard, day after day, was really the most amazing experience. 

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