Saturday, October 31, 2020

Early snowfall; more of 2020

Only in MN would I have a fall morning and a winter afternoon in the same day. In mid-October. 
With the pool not even closed for the season! 

And to make the story even better, I spent 30 minutes running around with the lawnmower just in time before the snow started. I really was a sight to be seen! 

It’s always been my role to schedule things: doctor, dentist, school conferences, pool closings. Of which that last one is never high on my list. I love looking at an open pool. So I push off the closing until the last possible moment. In 10 years of living with a pool, I’ve always scheduled it at least before the snow. Leave it to 2020 to squash that record. 
I really really thought about doing a polar plunge type activity! 

Regan and Lincoln took advantage of the fresh snow coupled with distance learning opting for a very long recess. The made a cool snowman, went sledding and had a great time playing in the white heavy snow.
(By the next day he was tipping over but holding on for dear life!)

Meanwhile, Ryan and I thought long and hard about moving to this home in the Hawaiian islands. We contemplated selling most of our belongings in order to live in 1000 square feet. 
With a view like this, I think we could do it. 😉

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

GJ: With that hat on, Regan looks just like Mom.