Tuesday, September 22, 2020

School year 2020-21

Well, we’ve finished week 2 of distance learning, and have what feels like eternity left to go. It’s not easy, it’s disappointing and frustrating and difficult and sometimes maddening. 
But we’re doing it. 
There is a silver lining, we are learning a new way of going about school work, and we have experienced more family togetherness than we have in the last 14 years (....is that a good thing!? haha!). 
Bonus, the toy room got a little cleaned out! 

We rearranged the toy/game room to accommodate this table set up for Lincoln and it’s working quite well. 
He knows when he sits there, it’s time for school. 
We aren’t perfect, we’ve missed a google meet (because whoops!) and sometimes his assignments don’t get finished until late in the day. But he’s in first grade, and he needs a lot of help to understand the lesson and so I give myself grace. Having 2 parents working full time means we don’t have the luxury of sitting beside him 6 hours/day to provide instruction. So instead, life becomes a lesson. 
For example, Regan took him on a bike ride the other day, he asked about a yard sign with MLK’s picture. She gave an excellent (first grade) lesson about MLK as they rode home. 

The girls pretty much hang out in their rooms for their "school" day, participating in their video classes or doing assignments. They appear to grab breakfast, lunch or ask a question, and then disappear back to their rooms. We are incredibly blessed that they are self-starters, self-sufficient and just get it done day after day. We know they don't love it, and would much prefer to see their friends in person. Although on mornings like today, where Regan missed her alarm and rolled out of bed at 9:05am and still wasn't late for class, I think she sort of appreciated it :) 


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

GJ: Here's hoping 2021 will see an end to this craziness....Hang in there.