Wednesday, December 04, 2019

Off season training

I'm currently sitting in my car, half working and half organizing my life while I wait for Regan at softball practice. Story of our lives these days.
Both girls are thick into the winter training, all for the love of the game.

Sidney joined a new association for off season training and the dome season. She has been loving it and getting in a lot of reps on the "mound".
Last weekend, she played in the Turkey Trot for two separate teams. This equated to us sitting in a dome for 8-10 hours both days watching her do her thing.  
And we loved every second of it. 

It's fun to see just how far she has come, and I love watching her in action. Our little aggressive 11 year old, eager to get on base and steal her way around. She's a quick little thing.

I have fewer pictures of Regan....I don't get to watch her train as much.
But I'm bonding with a group of other moms and having a wonderful time meeting up, shopping, grabbing an appetizer or going for a walk (when the weather cooperates). We were all asked to help prepare a new training facility for the club, and some of us brave moms went way way way up there!

Tuesday nights, Regan's club has an "all team" training at this new dome. Wowzas is all I could say! It's clean, it's bright and it's WARM!

As the holidays approach, and there's so much I should be doing: wrapping, baking, decorating, I take a deep breath and enjoy the calm of sitting in my car quietly catching up on work and life. I know this season in our life is short; soon they won't need us to drive them to practices. So for now, I'll soak in the moment, the memories of a long drive during rush hour, desperately trying to get to our destination.
And then sneaking in to watch them shine! 

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