Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Arizona 2019 (in one post)

This post is quite photo heavy, but my goal is to capture our Arizona vacation all in one post. 

Back at Christmas, my mom suggested gifting our family a vacation out to visit her this winter. Since our kiddos don't exactly need more material items, we made a decision as a family that this would be the most perfect gift. 
So we picked a time to pull the kids from school for a few days and headed West to some sunny fun. 

We headed just West of Phoenix on our first full day so we could take in the Wildlife Zoo and Aquarium. There were tons of birds, some great exhibits and even some rides. 
Lincoln enjoyed the sting ray touch tank (obviously more than Sidney did...the smell was stuck in our clothes for the rest of the day!).

I loved seeing these giraffes up close and personal! Lincoln wasn't a fan of feeding them, but Sidney thought it was pretty cool to see their tongues hanging out waiting for some food :) Regan took the sideline and helped play photographer. 

Ride highlights included a Soaring Eagle zipline and this carousel, where even though the tiger didn't go up/down, it was obviously Lincoln's choice! His smile each time was heart-warming. He sure loved riding his tiger! 

Our first "hike" in Arizona wasn't much of a real hike, more like a walk in the city. It gave us a good feel for what hiking might look like (because we had a few good ones planned). 
But nonetheless, we ventured to Hole in the Rock in the Papago City park. 

While exploring more of the park, we headed over to the Governor's pyramid/tomb and took in the beauty of Arizona.
Stunning views! 

After spending a full day in/around Phoenix, we headed over to the Botanical Gardens for their electric show at night. I could've spent twice as long there as we did, but the cold got to us and the kiddos were getting tired. 
Man did we get to see some humongous cactus! 

And quite possibly one of the most gorgeous sunsets, complete with cactus. 

The next day we took up our longest hike, stopping to smell the roses along the way. 
Ok, so maybe they aren't really roses :) 

This hike was roughly 4 miles long, and took us several hours. I have a new appreciation for hiking. I always thought hiking was just walking....boy was I wrong! 
We had to constantly look down to ensure we weren't going to slip on a rock (which we all did several times), or fall off the edge and tumble to our death (that might be a bit dramatic). We were never in harms way, but we sure got a good workout. 

Around 200 yards from the end, mom had to call it quits. Side story, I told her to stay put (because we had no cell reception), and that we'd come right back after we made it to the top. 
Well, she didn't listen. 
And I was a basket case when we made it back to "the spot" where we had left her, only to find she was no where in sight! 
I swore she had tipped backwards and fallen into the ravine. Or slipped on a rock on the way down and hit her head, having to be saved by 911. 
Yea, I can get a little carried away sometimes. 
Not to fret, she walked back down with some nice ladies instead. 

But, before all of that. We made it to the Wave Cave. 
This totally awesome cave mid way up the mountain. 
I hear going first thing in the morning allows some amazing photos, but I think these will work too. 

We started where I was standing to take this picture, walked all the way up to that mountain to enter the cave. And then walked all the way back down again. 

The kiddos found some time in between all that sight seeing and hiking to take in the association pool. Despite the chillier winter temps, they keep those pools ultra warm! 

My uncle lives just a few blocks from mom so we stopped over one day, played ball in the street, changed a headlight and took a quick family photo. 

Another long hike was taking us to the Hieroglyphics. Lincoln was starting to feel a little under the weather by this point of the trip (caught a cold) and this hike was really hard for him. 
Several times, we would turn around and see this.
Him sitting down telling us he wasn't going to walk anymore! 

Once we arrived at the end of the trail, Lincoln and Ryan did a little bouldering. They climbed pretty far while the rest of us took in the beauty around us. 

Let's take a closer look at those two boys: 

The views just cannot be captured in a picture. But we tried! Some of the most fantastic natural backdrops that I have ever seen. 

We peppered in a lot of relaxing, lots of good food, a movie during a rainy morning and some quality family time during our trip. We even happened to miss out on a snowstorm back home which, coupled with a holiday, meant the kids only had to miss one day of school for a 6 day vacation!
Win win :) 

Thanks for a most wonderful vacation mom!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

GJ: I'm so glad you came and had a good time. Miss you now that you are all gone. It is so quiet here.