Thursday, January 03, 2019

Learn to skate

Lincoln scored hockey skates and a hockey helmet for Christmas....and we're putting them to good use this week! 
Although we have a rink across the street, Ryan took him over one night last week and it smelled horribly of dog pee. Ewww. They came home and we swore off the rink at the park until it was less smelly and ready for use. 

This week I took Sidney and Lincoln to meet up with some friends at the indoor rink instead. Good thing too, because he spent much of his time flat on his back like this: 

He is figuring out this skating business, slowly but surely. Our first few attempts at skating this year were in rentals, figure skating rentals. A toe pick helps one catch their balance. I think he'll get the hang of it after a few more attemps. 

Love watching our kiddos tackle something new! 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

GJ: That's quite a determined look on his face.