Saturday, June 09, 2018

Friends from afar

We were blessed to spend some time with our dear friends who live in Germany while they were here visiting family. The kids had so much fun getting acquainted, having not seen each other in 5 long years.  And us parents picked up right where we left off, although social media and technology makes it easier for us to connect from afar. 
We spent one softball free evening (thank you coaches!) at Minihaha Falls with a bunch of Ryan’s college buddies and their families. We all wondered why we can’t pull this off more frequently, seemingly only manage to make it happen when Paul and Renata come to town.

 It was a perfect summer night and I loved watching this ice cream melt around Lincoln’s fingers, knowing it would leave him a sticky mess but with a fond memory of summer fun. 

As the parents get older, we seemed to have multiplied, and this was only a fraction of the kids! There were tiny ones too that didn’t make the picture or the hike down the falls. (I promised Lincoln if he’d smile nice I’d take him down the trails.....he was quite obedient!). 

While in town, with temps past 90, we decided a pool party was in order for Paul, Renata and the kids. They ran out to buy suits and we spent the afternoon poolside, enjoying each other’s company. 

Our girls decided they are joining Ryan on his next trip to which case, I figured we should all join in! Look out Pollinger family, you may get to see our crew sooner than later!

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