Tuesday, September 05, 2017

Last week of summer: Part 1 of 2

Before summer slips too far away, I need to write about our final hooray before school started again. For the first time since having kids, I took off work the last week of summer (working in a hospital can sometimes prove difficult to taking time off and I used to have to take off the week prior). So we had 11 full days to do whatever it is we wanted!! And we did just that :) 

We hid away at a movie one cool morning. The kids and I enjoyed a new theater (with the fancy shmancy reclining seats) and had the whole place to ourselves! I love myself a little 10am showing but apparently we're not in very much company. We had a grand time, my personal favorite was part-way through the movie when Lincoln climbed up onto my seat and we snuggled together for the rest of the show. Those over-sized recliners are perfect for he and I to sit side by side with our arms inter-twined. Love my little dates :) 

A good friend whisked Regan away for a super fun day at Valleyfair, where they got to do ride after ride. Her head was still spinning at 10pm that night...Not fun! While Regan got to play, I ventured to a new playground with the other two (who puts fake grass under a playground!?), lunch with Ryan and then finally back home for nap where Sidney got to have a small pool party of her own. She was on cloud 9! I didn't even mind basking in the sun playing lifeguard :) 

It started to get pretty steamy mid-week but I managed to convince the kids for a walk on Stone Arch and a quick meet up with Hope. We love Stone Arch, however, it gets a little long to walk the whole length and then the bottom too. I never grow tired of this place and cannot believe it took us living here nearly 15 years to visit. 

By the time we got to the bottom this time, they were less than thrilled to be posing for pictures (look at Lincoln's scowl face). Ha!, that kid cracks me up. 

Eventually, this is what became of my clan. They were literally melting before my eyes!
Thankfully we made it back home where they all promptly jumped in the pool to cool off. 

Ryan and I decided a day-trip was in order and he took off a day to join us. I've mentioned before just how much we love to see new things. And we're discovering that we don't have to travel very far to do just that. This time, we headed east to the Hudson/Stillwater areas for a long walk, lunch with a view and playing at Teddy Bear Park. 

I just love how water makes such an amazing background. There's no need to edit pictures, they're gorgeous just the way they are. 

Or maybe it's the cute kiddos posing that makes it so beautiful! 

That about wrapped up our week together before heading to the cabin/lake. 
Part 2 to come: Labor Day weekend!

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