Saturday, July 01, 2017

Lincoln lately

Life with Lincoln is one that never has a dull moment. This little boy is constantly on the go. People ask if raising boys is really that much different than girls. My response is always a resounding YES! There couldn't be anything more different. I think the biggest thing is that Lincoln is always moving. I tell people he is a large motor type boy. Sure, I can get him to sit with a scissors or a marker (for 2-3 minutes at a time), but he'd much rather race around playing "run get me"...his version of tag. It's no wonder he still naps 2-3 hours/day, he is honestly physically exhausted! The boy needs to rest up to make it through the day.
He loves to swim, to swing, ride his bike and RUN! Taking him on errands is a complete nightmare, seeing as though he is not opposed to dashing off in the opposite direction while I reach for an item on the shelf. Sometimes I wonder if he has "oppositional defiant disorder", yes, I know, don't diagnose your own kid :) But seriously, he is a handful.
But amid all of this energy, is the sweetest boy on the face of this planet. His hourly unprecedented "I love you mommy" melts my heart. The way he reaches around my neck in the morning to wake me up (at 5:50am some days) just to tell me he loves me.... How he affectionately lays his head on my shoulder and asks me to sit by him as he watches a movie. I always say I'm working on raising a good husband. He's on the right path!
And he is still my right hand man when there's any work to be done around the house. Hands down, he prefers if there is a tool involved (like today when I was fixing the bikes) but he hops right in at dinner prep too. I love him for that.
I love how he is passionate about things, like the color orange for example. Everything has to be orange, always has been that way. Today when I took him on a bike ride, he told me he wants to paint our mailbox orange..."because orange is a nice color". Where does he come up with that?!
His current favorite movie is Titanic. I know, he's too young. But somehow he saw a clip of it and now he can't get enough. We turn on a few minutes almost daily. Favorite toy?, hard to say as it depends on the day. He still loves balls and cars and trains but none of them more than another. Favorite sport: I'd have to say baseball right now, but that kid is a basketball dribbler like no other! I happened to catch a quick video of him part-way through a dribbling session. He can go over 30 bounces without losing control! Click HERE to see for yourself.
Life with this little sweet boy is amazing and busy and sweet and tender, all wrapped in to one. I love you Lincoln!

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