Friday, April 21, 2017

Lincoln says....

Lincoln used to do this thing where he would repeatedly say "Bless you" over and over after someone sneezed, and insist on a response of "Thank you Lincoln". Minutes would pass and he would continue to 'bless' the person who had to return with a 'thank you' or he would escalate his voice to a scream and eventually cry. Cute right? Not really. Eventually Ryan came up with the saying "one time" in other words, Lincoln could offer his 'blessings' just one time. It translated into "One time Bless you"? lol.

That was several months ago. And unfortunately, he has found a new saying. And it follows his same rules from above. Instead of being called "buddy" or "honey" or "sweetie", he insists we all call him Lincoln. Fair enough. He's asserting to us what he wants to be called. Thankfully it's his actual name! But if someone should innocently make the mistake of saying something other than Lincoln, he will correct that person (one of us, a teacher, a stranger) with "say OK Lincoln". We have to reply to him with "Ok Lincoln". Oh how I wish it would end at that statement! Instead, he walks around all day long calling out for no apparent reason "say OK Lincoln!", escalating his voice into a scream if someone doesn't obey his requests. I'm hoping that the same rule Ryan gave Lincoln with the "One time Bless you" is going to work with "One time OK Lincoln". Because for right now, this family is going crazy constantly hollering out "OK Lincoln"!!!

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