Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Lincoln is (almost) 3!

With a birthday approaching, we had a pretty fun-filled weekend of celebrations. It's always a little bittersweet to celebrate another birthday, especially for the littlest of the bunch. I'm so excited to watch him grow, but a little sad to let go of the baby stages. Let's be real, he will ALWAYS be my baby. And the best part, is that he knows it :)

Friday we were blessed with Kari and her kiddos. They spent the entire day hanging out with us and the kids ran around the back yard until their legs could no longer move, and then they did it some more. Kari and I got a lot of girl time talking in during that afternoon. A win for all!

The next day, we hosted Lincoln's family party with all sorts of cousins and aunts/uncles. He wanted a fire-truck party and that's what this little boy got. He loved the balloons picked out by daddy and Regan and didn't mind a bit to pose.

I'll write a little more about him turning 3 later this week, but for now, I'll write my 3 favorite things:
1) the way he talks. He says the word "yes" in response to questions. Not just 'yea', but "yes", with an accented S at the end. And darn it is it cute! When he's frustrated, he says "dane-it", as in dang-it. Oh boy is it adorable!
2) he takes each day in stride. Sure he gets upset about things, after all, he's a typical toddler. However, in the grand scheme of things, he is the most easy-going kiddo around. We run here-there-everywhere almost daily and he's always up for our plans.
3) how much he loves his mama, and frankly, his whole family! Now it's no secret that he has a thing for me and I love it to no end. But when it's just me and him, he asks constantly about everyone else: "Where's Sinney", "Regan go?" "daddy workin?" He loves his entire family and it melts my heart.

Back to his party day...., with all of his food allergies, he gets the shaft when it comes to cake. We can't trust a bakery to make anything safe for him yet, so sadly I get to test my talent (or lack thereof) once a year. The cake itself tastes pretty good, but the decorating is.... well? Let's just say I won't quit my day job :)  

It's a good thing that Lincoln clearly doesn't care what the cake looks (or tastes) like! He just loves it when we sing Happy Birthday to him! He loves loves loves that song! It's the most adorable thing ever to watch his face light up when he realizes it is being sung to HIM!

I didn't have my camera on hand much but managed to snap a quick picture of these guys playing with his new train table. He's one lucky (almost) 3 year old!
Happy birthday Lincoln!

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