Monday, May 16, 2016

Life in the thick of it all

With two girls playing for a pretty intense softball league, on two different teams in two different age brackets, we are running wild right now. But seeing them out there learning, active and having fun is a level of joy that I just can't explain. 

Unfortunately, I have a toddler in tow at nearly every single practice (we are required to stay during practices....not allowed to drop off) and for sure at every game. So when my text with Ryan looked like this a few weeks ago, we all stopped to laugh (pardon Ryan's typos, he was hurrying with laughter). 
Yes, I dropped his undies into the toilet, fished them out and tossed them in the garbage letting him run free (from undies) the remainder of the night :) The latest antic is failed attempt at using the porta-potty. His scrunched up face and "Ewww tinks" (stinks) was enough to make me pee my own pants! And since he refused to go there, I held a quick lesson in peeing in the great outdoors. He's now a pro... Remind me why I wanted him potty trained at 2!? (This little sibling of a player is my new best friend; she can entertain Lincoln for an entire softball game!). 

Normally during the year, we keep track of all daily events both in electronic and written calendar forms. But this week became too much for anyone to keep track of and we resorted to a color coded daily chart. Really? Gone are the "behavior charts" for the girls. They've been replaced with activity charts to help us track the chaos. 
The weekend ahead only looks worse. Both girls have tournaments on separate sides of the city, and each has a dance recital (we didn't even add Regan's second recital to the mix as she will be skipping it for ball). I'm just sort of pretending that the major traffic reroutes/construction are going to magically go away for the weekend. 
But when this sign popped up on my social media feed the other day, I stopped dead in my tracks. Because as crazy as life is right now, I dread the day that someday, there won't be anyone left to take to practice. 

I'm going to cherish these crazy moments instead. The racing out of work-hurrying to pick up kids-picnics in the car on the way to practice- and late night game recaps. I love watching these girls have fun and play such an incredible sport. Here's to many more crazy weeks....I'll gladly take them! 

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