Monday, January 04, 2016

Lincoln says....

Our little boy is growing up so quickly. It seems that he has made leaps and bounds in gains in his language since turning 2. People who haven't seen him in a few weeks will comment "oh my gosh!, he doesn't stop talking!".
Nope, welcome to our new world with a toddler. 
He is constantly talking, telling me what he sees, insisting on a response, and narating his day. 

He has completely mastered his colors, and although we were working on them daily, I know he picked up a lot from watching YouTube (because I was not teaching him grey and he knows it). He likes to watch a little 5 minute video on YouTube with monster trucks, and it's entirely educational teaching all of the colors.
Brilliant I tell you!
His favorite color is orange, we have orange trucks, orange trains, orange cars, orange bowls, orange spoons, you name it. And he ONLY wants the orange ones!

He can count to 10, though sometimes skips over a number or two. My favorite is his way of saying 'six', because it's a high-pitched 'sic' and you'll miss it if you don't listen closely. We count a lot of items, but he still hasn't figured out one versus two. When he wants a cracker, he will say 'one'. We hand him one cracker and he cries "no one!".
That is one buddy!
We hand him another and he smiles "yea, one"
No buddy, that's two! 
"No, one". 
Ryan finally came up with the notion that he wants one in each hand. 
Maybe so. But for now we know when he asks for one, give him two. 

Ryan's favorite part of Lincolns verbal skills is that he is no longer referred to as "mommy"! He has his very own name: "gawdy". Not daddy.
He is cute and sweet and funny as ever and now that he's talking more, look out! Because he will repeat whatever it is he hears :) though maybe not exactly the way it should be said, like Thomas the Train's friend--Percy.....
I have no further comment. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

GJ: why is he sitting in the middle of the boots? Waiting to go outside?