Monday, December 14, 2015

Lincoln says....

Taking a quick break from writing about the holidays to make a post about Lincoln's newest antics and life with a full blown toddler.
Oh the screaming. And the whining. And the new-to-temper-tantrums (which thankfully don't last long because one of us will start laughing at how ridiculous he is being and he can't help but start laughing too!). He is a lot of fun, and has a TON of boy energy!

He is a chatter box. And I mean non-stop talking! We climb into the car and I hear chatter chatter chatter all car ride long. A lot of it I can understand, but there's still some mumble jumble in there that no one can decipher. Sometimes the girls will question "how come you always know what he is saying?!"....but really I don't always know :)  Whenever we see an over-pass or a skyway, he wants to go "upee, upee, upee!". Those things are his favorite spot to watch the traffic below. I have promised him that we can go to the skyway near his doctor's office very soon and watch the traffic below. 

He still adds an "-a" to many words and it makes Regan and her friends giggle:
"sharpa" (to mean a knife that is sharp)
"sharka" (shark)
you get the pattern.

"ucky" (garbage trucks....and we talk a lot about all sorts of trucks)
"walker" (water....I don't know where the "-k" comes into play)

His newest debate with Ryan is over hockey or "foo-ball". More often than not, our TV flips between sports, and sometimes, many games at one time. Months ago, Ryan would try to show Lincoln the two different sports. It became a battle, and a teasing game, as to what we were watching. And now, Lincoln will walk into the ice arena and see a hockey game, only to giggle and say "foo-ball!! no,!"! Stinker.

Hands down, his favorite word is MOMMY! Everyone is mommy. Everyone. You come around, and you too will be mommy. Ryan quit offering up "I'm daddy!", because there's no point. When he wants something, he says "mommy"to whoever is nearby. If we counted how many times he said that word in one day, we would be in the millions. I suggested it to the girls one day and Regan reached 20 in less than 3 minutes before she quit counting.

But his best word of all...he calls himself "bubble". It's always, "Bubble do!". We think that he might be saying 'buddy' but when we correct him, he says "no, bubble". Ok little man... sleep tight bubble. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

GJ: Sweet dreams little bubble.