Saturday, August 08, 2015

DQ Family Day

It's seems like Ryan hit the jackpot when he landed his gig with the headquarters of Dairy Queen a year and a half ago. An awesome manager, Dilly Bars for the kids when we visit, Bring Your Kids to Work Days, just to name a few. And then they go and plan this super fun Family Day each summer...during regular work hours! Bonus for me is that it's always a Friday which is my day off so it doesn't take much for us to round up the family and meet up with the crew. This year, they took us to Valleyfair and started off with a picnic just inside of the grounds (and no, we don't get served a DQ lunch...sniff sniff!). From there, we scattered around the park and enjoyed the rides. It was a wonderful day and fit perfectly into this family's idea of fun! 
Of course, we had to do a few big kid rides so that Ryan and Regan could have some fun....
And Sidney too! Though she wasn't as keen on the big rides this time and was happy to tag along with Lincoln on a few. 
Together they rode that train over and over and over again! I had a hard time convincing Lincoln to find a new ride. He LOVED it! And I was happy that she was short enough to ride along with him. 
When the sun came out and the temperatures climbed, we took some relief in the "ball area" and shot foam balls at each other. The girls thought they were cute behind this desk outside the balls. 

I got in on the riding action too, riding with Lincoln on any ride that required. Not to fret, I got on some big kid rides. I took Regan on the Corkscrew too...and suddenly, quietly worried that the whole thing would fall off the tracks, upside down into the ponds below. That's just as ridiculous as Ryan's statement that he worries Power Tower might just fall over....ahhh, we can both be a little anxious at times :) 
It truly was a fun Family Day and we feel so lucky to have two wonderful employers...and three very happy kiddos! 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

GJ: You guys sure are having a fun filled summer. Happy for you.