Monday, June 15, 2015

He talks

Lincoln always seem to slide under the "milestone deadline" just in the nick of time. In the last week, he really has started to verbalize more, and more, and sometimes more (I swear he says "oh sh*^" sometimes). 
This past weekend, he and I shared the swing post-bath and he told me a few of his new words. I happened to video our chat and am so in love with his cute voice. Here's the link:

The girls are loving this stage, and ask him to repeat everything (again, maybe not always a good thing!). Tonight at bedtime, Regan had an "ah-ha" moment as she talked to me about Lincoln's words and commented that although we understand him, not everyone does. I love that she just gets it. Their age difference is really a beautiful thing to be a part of. 

We love Lincolns newfound ability to talk and repeat and know that the fun is just beginning! 

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