Wednesday, October 29, 2014

3rd Grade music and art program

Regan had her 3rd grade music program and art show on Lincoln's birthday. She was so excited to be able to tell her friends and teachers that her big program was on his big day!
She signed up for a solo again. And was given it. Only 3 solos in the entire program, and she scored one. To say she was proud is an understatement.
But then the big day arrived and she was nervous. Like biting her fingernails nervous.
We could see by the look on her face up on stage that she was frightened.

Thankfully she had one of her BFF's behind her during her solo to help keep her calm. And I'm even more thankful that this was just the second song into the program, so she could relax!
She did great. Nailed it!
I cried.
of course I did!
But so did 3 out of 4 of her grandparents.

After the music program, we were able to walk the hallways and see some artwork.
Meet Gorge.
A one eyed monster with scaly legs and fly wings.
I wish I would've taken a picture of the description she's just as silly as the picture! 
Congratulations on a wonderful music program/art show Regan!
We are so darn proud of you!

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