Monday, September 29, 2014

11 months

Our dear sweet Lincoln is now 11 months. He's the happiest baby on the block, and is a light in our lives. 
I've asked the girls several times, in several different moods, what they think of having a baby brother? Are they happy?, do they still like him? (I know they love him....but I have wondered if they ever felt left out). And not once, never ever, have they said anything except "I like him!" Or "he's the best!"  Even when they are huffy and crabby because I can't give them 100% of my attention in that moment.

And my heart melts a little each time. Because he is the best, and I'm so glad that they love him so. Regan picked him up today and said "I want to keep you a baby forever!"  It really resonates to her that he is growing, and quickly. And it amazes me that she gets it, and truly wishes he would stay little just a while longer. 
But his personality is bubbling, and he's happy and so much fun at this age. I believe in my heart that the girls are loving each stage he goes through. From the adorable itty bitty (ok, so he maybe never was that itty bitty), to the standing and slobbery kisses. He ranks high on their lists. Sometimes at the end of a long day, Sidney will be crabby at bedtime and tell us she "won't say goodnight to mom and dad, just Lincoln".  No matter what, she will always grab a kiss from him; she even has her own nickname for him..."chubsers" (she may or may not have heard us call him that too;)

I love how they love to see his new developments. Like when he stood momentarily for the very first time and they catch a glimpse and scream "Lincoln's standing!" or today when he got into a 4 point bear walk, up on all fours, they squealed "Look what he's doing!".  It would be easy for them to feel left out; I get it. He's cute and adorable and a baby so everyone gushes over him. But instead of getting upset and sad that he steals all of the attention, they jump right on that band wagon and tell people how cute he is or his newest discovery. They've joined the party of loving him up and it makes the mother in me so very happy. 

Now onto his 11 month update:
* sleeps 9pm-7am (or thereabouts), fussing at times but getting himself back to sleep for the most part on his own.
* likes his pacifier, especially when he's tired and ready for a nap
* eats table food x 3 meals and maybe some puffs for a snack. Still nurses 3-4 times/day (7am, 1pm, maybe 7pm and before bed).
* just started cruising along furniture....usually trying to go after someone's electronic or the TV remotes
* I am his human jungle gym, he is constantly climbing all over me.
* loves to play with balls, stacking items (well, we stack, he knocks down), my water bottle, books (favorite is Baby Boo!), farm animals/tractor.
* is able to put items back into a container, but prefers to take them out. We only know he is capable of this because he can put a ball into the basketball hoop or a chicken ball into the farm. Stinker. Any other container he just empties out.
* doesn't yet crawl, but gets himself around; mostly by pushing himself backwards when he's on his belly. Or by going from sitting to belly and back to sitting and eventually gaining enough ground to be where he wants to be. This is a sight to see, and so hard to describe to people because I call it "scooting".
* loves to go for a ride in his red car, and still a fan of stroller rides and swinging on the playset
* says both mama and dada, but dada isn't for anything in particular, whereas mama is definitely for mom.
* claps his hands; especially this past weekend at Regan's softball tournament! He had a great time clapping away and was so proud of himself for acting like the rest of us cheering her on. 
* waves bye bye, mostly at cars, but sometimes at people too :)
* gives kisses and snuggles like nobody's business; and I'm so in love with them. When he hugs me, he pats my back and it just gives me such a warm heart.
* things we're working on: identifying body parts (nose, toes, etc); so-big (this one is hit or miss), blowing kisses, walking, crawling, climbing stairs. And he has two awesome big sisters that just love to help him.
* wears size 12 month and some 18 month clothes, size 3 pampers cruisers
* weight: ~23 lbs
* heights: about 31" ?

He's a heart throb, this 11 month old cutie!

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